Sukkah Decorating With The Latin Connection Chavurah
Thursday, September 28, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
It’s a mitzvah to beautify the Sukkah, and it’s even more fun with great food! Join our Latin Connection Chavurah in noshing on pastelitos and croquetas as we prepare the Sukkah for the holiday of Sukkot. This is a wonderful mitzvah for adults and children to do together!
Sukkah Latina Pre-Neg
Friday, September 29, 5:30 PM
Once again, we’re taking the pre-neg outside and enjoying some delicious Latin-inspired music and cuisine for this extended pre-neg hosted by our Latin Connection Chavurah! Come for the Sukkah and stay for services followed by our annual New Member Shabbat and Congregational Sukkot Dinner.
Erev Sukkot Service & New Member Shabbat
Friday, September 29, 6:30 PM
It’s time to shake the Lulav and Etrog! Join us for an erev Sukkot service followed by our annual New Member Shabbat and Congregational Sukkot Dinner.
Sukkot Shabbat Service & Minyan Sukkot Potluck Lunch
Saturday, September 30, 10:30 AM
Come shake the Lulav and Etrog! Join us for a Sukkot service in the Chapel followed by our annual Minyan Sukkot Potluck Lunch. Bring a dairy dish and join our minyan community for a Shabbat lunch in the Sukkah! RSVP to Mindy Robbin at [email protected] and let us know what you’d like to bring!
Celebrate Sukkot in The Tbam Garden Sanctuary
Sunday, October 1, 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Join us to do some gardening and celebrate Sukkot with Clergy in our TBAM Garden. Bring your hat, water, gloves, and energy! Please RSVP to [email protected]
Bafty Sushi in The Sukkah
Monday, October 2, 6:00 PM
Our BAFTY Board and BAFTY78 advisor have planned holiday-related activities for our teens 7th-12th grade. Come visit the Sukkah, shake the Lulav, play fun games, and enjoy sushi with your friends.
Pizza in the Hut for young families
Wednesday, October 4, 5:00 PM
Bring the whole family for a pizza dinner in the Sukkah with Rabbi Rachel Greengrass and Cantor Tifani Coyot! We’ll shake the Lulav and Etrog, sing, create some arts and crafts, and enjoy our beautiful Sukkah together. RSVP here.