Kabbalat Shabbat Worship: Glow In The Dark
This year, you are the light!
Get a head start on Chanukah with our first ever Glow in the Dark Shabbat!
Come to services dressed in white or fluorescent colors and get ready for a special blacklight experience that will give new meaning to how we share the light this holiday season.
Stick around after services for a CHANUKAH BLOCK PARTY outside at the Lampen Sachar Outdoor Cultural Life Center, featuring live music, Chanukah activities, and delicious Chanukah treats.
Come pray with us. Add to the harmony of our voices. Together, we will make a joyful sound!
6:00 pm — Pre-Neg; join us for a nosh, some wine and a chance to relax before services.
6:30 pm — Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary.
If you would like to follow along with the Mishkan T’filah for Shabbat prayer book, click here for the online version.