Tikkun Olam is a fundamental part of the Jewish and character education that happens in our RAMBAM Day School. Each month our students have a dress down day to raise money for various causes. These causes are chosen by our student council. Any student of the Day School can present to the student council to have them consider raising money for their charity.
Each year our students participate in Kids Heart Challenge (previously known as Jump Rope For Heart), an annual fundraising event for elementary and middle schools around the world, with thousands of schools and millions of kids participating to raise money and awareness for the American Heart Association.
Each year in the elementary school, each grade level is paired with a particular cause. During that year, they learn about that cause from both a domestic and Jewish perspective, they do hands on activities to help the cause and take a field trip to learn from people and organizations that work everyday on the cause. Some of the topics include ecology, literacy, immigration, hunger, and caring for the elderly.
If you would like to join the PATIO Tikkun Olam committee please contact Caroline Miller (c.lampen.miller@gmail.com)