Mazel Tov to Sharón Levi, recipient of The Robert Hersh Professional Excellence Award, presented at the Congregational Annual Meeting on May 22, 2022. In making the award presentation, Richard Siegel, Executive Vice President of Temple…
Mazel Tov to Sharón Levi, recipient of The Robert Hersh Professional Excellence Award, presented at the Congregational Annual Meeting on May 22, 2022. In making the award presentation, Richard Siegel, Executive Vice President of Temple…
Mazel Tov to Neil Littauer, recipient of The Robert Hersh Professional Excellence Award, presented at the Congregational Annual Meeting on May 23, 2021. Neil was recognized for his role in spearheading Temple Beth Am's efforts…
The Robert Hersh Professional Excellence Award was created in 2019 to honor Robert Hersh, in recognition of his consistent pursuit of excellence over 15 years as Executive Director of Temple Beth Am (2004–2019).