Sunday Salon: Trial and Error
Trial and Error: The Autobiography of Chaim Weizmann
Since this is the beginning of Jewish Book Month, and we will be celebrating books all month with the Miami Book Fair and the Alper JCC Book Festival, our get-together this morning will be all about books. We’ll begin with the autobiography of Chaim Weizmann, who died on November 9, 1952. This presentation by Yoram Millman, is co-sponsored by the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami.
Chaim Weizmann’s autobiography is a highly personal account of his life in the Zionist movement. Book One, completed in 1941, covers 1874-1917, and Book Two covers 1918-1948. He was the first president of the new nation of Israel and was for decades the guiding spirit behind the World Zionist Organization. In addition to many books on this subject, we will be showing off some historic films of the establishment of the state of Israel, including the podcast “The Balfour Declaration: 67 Words that Changed the World.” In fact, you too may wish to access the sources of premium educational resources about Israel and Judaism available on this website: jewishunpacked.com
Reminder to visit our libraries ~ We welcome you all to our extraordinary library collection, which is now divided into three locations, all of which enhance the mission of the Temple Beth Am Congregational Library: “to provide materials of education, entertainment, and enrichment for congregation and community.” Our fiction books are in Meeting Room 2, where you can find detailed instructions for borrowing whatever you like. On that same floor, in the Clergy Satellite Library, are the religious study books, i.e., Torah, Talmud, observances, education, and languages. Our Hub location, the Adult Reading Room, contains an enormous variety of literature, community, history, geography—all Judaic. We look forward to greeting you there.
RSVP to Etta Gold at [email protected].
Adult Reading Room Library events are coordinated by Etta Gold MLS RJE, Congregational Librarian.