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Pilar Rahola: Verdades Prohibidas-La Defensa de la Verdad

The Hub at TBAM Presents: Pilar Rahola: Verdades Prohibidas-La Defensa de la Verdad*

This program will be presented in Spanish.*

In-depth analysis of media manipulation in news coverage.

Pilar Rahola is a prominent advocate for human rights and freedom of expression. Her ability to confront divisive narratives and her fight for social cohesion and democracy position her as the ideal leader for this initiative that upholds the fundamental values of our democratic societies.

She was the sole representative of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya in the Spanish Congress of Deputies during the 5th and 6th legislatures (1993-2000) and served as deputy mayor of Barcelona. She has also been a member of numerous parliamentary committees, including the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Pilar has an extensive career and is internationally recognized. She has worked on the coverage of global conflicts such as those in the Balkans and the Gulf, offering her critical and ethical perspective. Her clear and firm stances in support of Israel, as well as her critiques of radical Islamism, have made her a key figure in public debate.

Rahola has been awarded for her fight against antisemitism and her defense of democratic values throughout her career, earning multiple accolades such as the Daniel Pearl Award (2010) for honest journalism, the Morris Abram Human Rights Award (2011) for her human rights advocacy, and, in France, the Menorah of Gold (2006) alongside Simone Weil. Additionally, she has authored books such as BASTA (2013) and S.O.S. CRISTIANOS (2018), where she denounces Western passivity in the face of Islamic fundamentalism.


Profundo análisis sobre la manipulación de los medios de comunicación en el cubrimiento de las noticias.

Pilar Rahola es una destacada defensora de los derechos humanos y de la libertad de expresión. Su capacidad para enfrentar narrativas divisivas y su lucha por la cohesión social y la democracia la posicionan como la persona adecuada para liderar esta iniciativa que defiende los valores fundamentales de nuestras sociedades Democráticas.

Fue la única representante de Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya en el Congreso de los Diputados en la V y VI Legislatura (1993-2000), así como teniente de alcalde de Barcelona. También ha sido miembro de múltiples comisiones parlamentarias, entre ellas la comisión de exteriores.

Pilar tiene una extensa trayectoria, es reconocida internacionalmente, ha trabajado en la cobertura de conflictos globales como los Balcanes y el Golfo, aportando su perspectiva crítica y ética. Sus posturas claras y contundentes a favor de Israel, así como sus críticas al islamismo radical, han hecho de ella una figura clave en el debate

Entrada: $18 


Thursday, Jan 09 2025
This event has ended.


7:00 PM

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The Frankel Family Performing Arts Center
The Hub, 5950 N. Kendall Drive, Pinecrest, FL 33156